Mastodon Nachhilfe Perth Portuguese, Portuguese Nachhilfe in Perth : Nachhilfe-Vermittlung




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Viele unserer Lehrer/innen bieten Portuguese-Nachhilfe online an.
Fernunterricht, Onlinenachhilfe, E-Learning, via Zoom, Skype, Webcam usw.

Und für alle die dennoch Präsenzunterricht wünschen, bieten wir weiterhin klassische Nachhilfe beim Schüler oder beim Lehrer in Deiner Nähe.

Nachhilfe Portuguese Perth

Suche: Portuguese in Perth  (1 Ergebnis)   

Nachhilfe Portuguese Beginners to advanced

1) ID 30414
aus 6052 Perth
Sao Paulo State Uni. (UNESP), Araraquara, SP, Brazil. Bachelor and Teacher Education.
Beginners to advanced
We are researchers of language learning and teaching theories. We have adopted proficiency-based instruction method, the newest and most innovative method of foreign language instruction in current use. This method differs from older, more traditional teaching methods, in that it emphasizes personalized, student-directed instruction with the teacher as facilitator. We develop students%u2019 communicative skills by performing task-based activities, with topics based in Brazilian culture, familiarizing students with prospective real situations, rather than the instruction and discussion of grammar rules. The grammatical features of our language are introduced through an inductive approach, which encourages learners to draw conclusions about the underlying rules of the language from the many examples they see and practice. We believe that where many older instructional methods teach students to talk about the language, a proficiency-based approach teaches students to talk in the language.
VHS (Verhandlungssache),  
ab ~11 €/h  info
 erreichbar via E-Mail  erreichbar via Facebook  erreichbar via Webseite  info  Kontakt
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Nachhilfe in Perth:
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Nachhilfe Portuguese Beginners to advanced

 Nachhilfe online screen webcam
Überregionale Onlinenachhilfe
für Portuguese
2) ID 30414
Sao Paulo State Uni. (UNESP), Araraquara, SP, Brazil. Bachelor and Teacher Education.
Beginners to advanced
We are researchers of language learning and teaching theories. We have adopted proficiency-based instruction method, the newest and most innovative method of foreign language instruction in current use. This method differs from older, more traditional teaching methods, in that it emphasizes personalized, student-directed instruction with the teacher as facilitator. We develop students%u2019 communicative skills by performing task-based activities, with topics based in Brazilian culture, familiarizing students with prospective real situations, rather than the instruction and discussion of grammar rules. The grammatical features of our language are introduced through an inductive approach, which encourages learners to draw conclusions about the underlying rules of the language from the many examples they see and practice. We believe that where many older instructional methods teach students to talk about the language, a proficiency-based approach teaches students to talk in the language.
VHS (Verhandlungssache),  
ab ~11 €/h  info
 erreichbar via E-Mail  erreichbar via Facebook  erreichbar via Webseite  info  Kontakt
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Preise für den Nachhilfeunterricht:
Es gilt "Freie Vereinbarung" oder "VHS":
Wenn im Profil nicht anders genannt, können Sie den Ort, die Häufigkeit und die Vergütung im Vorgespräch unverbindlich und einvernehmlich absprechen.
Diese Regelung ermöglicht faire Vereinbarungen, die für beide Seiten positiv sind.
*unverbindliche Erfahrungswerte
Viel Erfolg!

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