Mastodon Nachhilfe 2HP ICT, ICT Nachhilfe in 2HP | Nachhilfe online + Nachhilfe zu Hause : Nachhilfe-Vermittlung




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ICT Online-Unterricht

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Viele unserer Lehrer/innen bieten ICT-Nachhilfe online an.
Fernunterricht, Onlinenachhilfe, E-Learning, via Zoom, Skype, Webcam usw.

Und für alle die dennoch Präsenzunterricht wünschen, bieten wir weiterhin klassische Nachhilfe beim Schüler oder beim Lehrer in Deiner Nähe.

Nachhilfe ICT 2HP

Suche: ICT in 2HP  (1 Ergebnis)   

Nachhilfe ICT KS3 - A level

1) ID 26767
aus CF38 2HP
BSC (Hons) 2:2 business innovation and computing PGCE
KS3 - A level
I have a wide experience of working with pupils of many different ages, in small groups or on an individual basis, who have learning difficulties. I am involved in the ICT aspect of Key Skills and was responsible for the attainment in KS3 to National Curriculum guides, for WJEC assessment accreditation. From this I have successfully improved the department’s KS3 level 5+ so that last year it achieved the LEA levels. I am a good classroom practitioner, lesson observations by ICT Advisors, SMT link, head of department and others have produced good constructive positive feedback, which I have used to improve my teaching and learning strategies; strategies which I have included within the KS3 SOW which I have developed include, AfL, Critical Skills and Key Skills. Innovative and flexible lesson planning has enabled me to deliver diverse and enjoyable activities.
VHS (Verhandlungssache),  
ab ~11 €/h  info
 erreichbar via E-Mail  erreichbar via Facebook  info  Kontakt
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Nachhilfe ICT KS3 - A level

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Überregionale Onlinenachhilfe
für ICT
2) ID 26767
BSC (Hons) 2:2 business innovation and computing PGCE
KS3 - A level
I have a wide experience of working with pupils of many different ages, in small groups or on an individual basis, who have learning difficulties. I am involved in the ICT aspect of Key Skills and was responsible for the attainment in KS3 to National Curriculum guides, for WJEC assessment accreditation. From this I have successfully improved the department’s KS3 level 5+ so that last year it achieved the LEA levels. I am a good classroom practitioner, lesson observations by ICT Advisors, SMT link, head of department and others have produced good constructive positive feedback, which I have used to improve my teaching and learning strategies; strategies which I have included within the KS3 SOW which I have developed include, AfL, Critical Skills and Key Skills. Innovative and flexible lesson planning has enabled me to deliver diverse and enjoyable activities.
VHS (Verhandlungssache),  
ab ~11 €/h  info
 erreichbar via E-Mail  erreichbar via Facebook  info  Kontakt
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