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Nachhilfe Putney

Suche: Putney  (1 Ergebnis)   

Nachhilfe in Maths, All Subjects

1) ID 32483
aus SW19 Putney
Maths, All Subjects
Bachelor of Early childhood Education
Nursery- Year 6
I am a friendly, energetic and reliable primary school teacher who is looking to bring my broad range of skills and knowledge to your beautiful country. I have a extensive range of skills in both the primary and early childhood setting and I am very much looking forward to bringing my previous experience and knowledge to your school and making a difference to your student%u2019s and families lives. Through my experience I have developed many strong relationships with parents, staff and most importantly the student%u2019s; these are relationships that meant the world to me and I believe is the key to being a great teacher. I am an extremely quick learner and I am able to adapt to any situation that may arise. I love a challenge and have had many experiences with dealing with students that have either challenging behaviors or learning disorders. I believe that every child has the right to a proper education and it is our job as educators to teach them in a way that is meaningful to them. Through my experience over the past few years I have been able to practice a wide range of planning strategies, and also teaching strategies and I have been able to practice these on a wide range of students. Over my time volunteering at Mt Evelyn I was able put these strategies into place and work with a wide range of students on different types of assessment, talking to them and trying test a wide range of different techniques. I am very much looking forward to the challenge of teaching to a brand new curriculum and extend my knowledge of life in London. I believe that with my vast experience and extensive skills as well as my bubbly personality I can not only teach any students that is within my classroom but I can also talk easily to parents or any person within the school community.
VHS (Verhandlungssache),  
ab ~11 €/h  info
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