Mastodon Nachhilfe Mandarin EH11 Edinburgh, MSc Language Teaching (Edinburgh)rnChinese profesional Test Class one (top)rnBA English (Nanjing, Ch, Edinburgh : Nachhilfe-Vermittlung




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Nachhilfe Edinburgh

Der Ortsname ist nicht eindeutig. Meintest du: 46124 Edinburgh in Indiana | EH12 Edinburgh in Scotland | EH4 Edinburgh in Scotland | EH11 Edinburgh in Scotland | EH5 Edinburgh in Scotland | EH1 Edinburgh in Scotland | EH2 Edinburgh in Scotland | EH3 Edinburgh in Scotland | EH6 Edinburgh in Scotland | EH7 Edinburgh in Scotland | EH9 Edinburgh in Scotland | EH8 Edinburgh in Scotland | 5111 Edinburgh in South Australia
Suche: Edinburgh  (1 Ergebnis)   

Nachhilfe Edinburgh

Nachhilfe in Mandarin

ID 36453
aus EH11 Edinburgh
MSc Language Teaching (Edinburgh)rnChinese profesional Test Class one (top)rnBA English (Nanjing, China)
Beginner, intermediat and advanced
I'm currently teaching an adult beginners class of 12 and helping a small group of teens with their GCSE Mandarin test on a weekly schedule. Over 4 years' experience in teaching Chinese as a second language first in Beijing then in UK. Also capable of teaching Chinese writing, Chinese linguistics and translation between Chinese and English rnI will be available for the evenings of Monday, Tuesday and Thursday 5pm-9pm and 10am-8pm on Sundays. Other time slots may also be suitable but this should be negotiated rnI will be responsible for teaching materials and teaching plans, you just need to get your mind made up to learn the language and to use it as much as you can in the future rnI have a small study in my flat if you'd like some Chinese tea and snacks during the break, but still location is negotiable. current price 2hr/34 if other location transportation fee should be added to this value. Any inquiries please send email rnlast but not least, I think I am ok as a teacher, easy going enough and am quite patient and even tolerant (by this I meant the kids lessons). Hope you have a nice 2011 and good luck with your Chinese.
VHS (Verhandlungssache),  
ab ~11 €/h  info
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