Mastodon Nachhilfe spanish, english., english, literature., spanish, literature, spanish, history 30500 Molina De Segura, Student of english philology, i am between the 4th year and the 5th year in my degree, one certifica, Molina De Segura European, European Nachhilfe in Molina De Segura : Nachhilfe-Vermittlung




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Nachhilfe European Molina De Segura

Der Ortsname ist nicht eindeutig. Meintest du: 30500 Molina De Segura in Murcia | 30506 Molina De Segura in Murcia | 30507 Molina De Segura in Murcia | 30508 Molina De Segura in Murcia | 30509 Molina De Segura in Murcia
Suche: European in Molina De Segura  (1 Ergebnis)   

Nachhilfe in Molina De Segura

Nachhilfe spanish, english., english, literature.,... In spanish high level, in english subjects medium

ID 8036
aus 30500 Molina De Segura
spanish, english., english, literature., spanish, literature, spanish, history
Student of english philology, i am between the 4th year and the 5th year in my degree, one certificate in english by St Giles School with upper intermediate level, and good marks in the High School in spanish Literature and History, one certificate by Murcia University in English -Spanish studies ( course for 2 weeks)
In spanish high level, in english subjects medium
I have worked as a tutor before, i Have worked with children in several places.I am a patient person who likes to teach things to people. I really am cheerful and funny girl and very reliable.
VHS (Verhandlungssache),  
ab ~11 €/h  info
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