Mastodon Nachhilfe Economics, Mathematics, Business Studies E14 London, . rn, London : Nachhilfe-Vermittlung




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Nachhilfe London

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Suche: London  (1 Ergebnis)   

Nachhilfe London

Nachhilfe in Economics, Mathematics, Business Studies

ID 36267
aus E14 London
Economics, Mathematics, Business Studies
. rn
Upto Degree Level
I have studied BSc in Economics at Warwick University and MSc in International Political Economy from London School of Economics and Political Science rnApart from tutoring, my interests lie in Economics, Politics, Debating and sports in general. At Warwick University, I was part of the Model UN society and I represented Warwick at several Model UN Conferences including Oxford, Imperial, Cambridge and Harvard rnI have worked for the United Nations Economic and Social Commission in Thailand and Ernst & Young in London rnPersonalized and result driven approach are essential ingredients for effective tutoring. I believe a good tutor should be adaptable to both exam-oriented tutoring and tutoring for the sake of gaining knowledge rnHaving applied to several universities at both undergraduate and graduate level, I am also able to offer unique advice in getting into top-class universities rnMy strengths 1. Interpersonal skillsrn2. Focus on getting the concepts rightrn3. Passionatern4. Emphasis on past-papersrn5. Patience and simplified explanationsrn6. Punctuality
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