Mastodon Nachhilfe ITALIAN LANGUAGE W1A 1AA+, LEVEL II DITALS, 1AA+ Italian, Italian Nachhilfe in 1AA+ : Nachhilfe-Vermittlung




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Nachhilfe Italian 1AA+

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Suche: Italian in 1AA+  (1 Ergebnis)   

Nachhilfe in 1AA+

Nachhilfe Italian ALL

ID 32382
aus W1A 1AA+
I am a qualified Italian Teacher for Foreigners, who has been teaching Italian as second language in Rome with Dante Alighieri Italian Institute for one year. I have been teaching a range of classes including Italian language for the Arts, Culture and Italian language classes to adult groups and individuals. Since this January I have been teaching with Arcadia %u2013 University of Philadelphia in collaboration with Accademia Italiana in Rome. I am teaching culture and Italian language to American University students. At the same time, I am teaching Italian and Culture courses at various Embassies in Rome to Diplomats and Embassadors. Italian is my native language, in which I earned a Bachelor of Science in Linguistic and Cross-Cultural Mediation Applied to the Economic, Judicial and Social Fields with an Emphasis in International and Cross-Cultural Activities. In 2008 I achieved Level II Ditals Certification for teching Italian as Second Language (L2) and since December 2009 I have been a member of the Italian Teachers Professional Association (APIDIS). My work is based on the passion and the love for my culture and my language. My classes are carried out in a communication style which is based on the communication and humanistic-affective approaches. In my classes, students actively practice the four fundamental functions of language: listening, speaking, reading and writing. However, I give particular attention to conversation, to develop the student%u2019s capacity to express himself or herself and communicate in Italian from the very beginning of the course. Naturally, this method includes the study of the rules of Italian syntax and grammar, which are essential to learning a foreign language, but which, alone, are not sufficient for gaining a real command of the Italian language.
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