Mastodon Nachhilfe O-level, E-Maths, A-Maths, Chemistry, Physics, Higher Chinese; A-level, Mathematics, Physics, Chemis 43682 Singapore, O-level, River Valley High School. 9 A1s in Chinese, Higher Chinese, Chinese Literature, Combined Hu, Singapore Fachenglisch, Fachenglisch Nachhilfe in Singapore : Nachhilfe-Vermittlung




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Nachhilfe Fachenglisch Singapore

Es geht evtl. um mehrere Themen(?):
Suche: Fachenglisch in Singapore  (1 Ergebnis)   

Nachhilfe in Singapore

Nachhilfe O-level, E-Maths, A-Maths, Chemistry, Ph... O-Level, A-Level

ID 23674
aus 43682 Singapore
O-level, E-Maths, A-Maths, Chemistry, Physics, Higher Chinese; A-level, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Economics
O-level, River Valley High School. 9 A1s in Chinese, Higher Chinese, Chinese Literature, Combined Humanities, A-Maths, E-Maths, Chemistry, Physics, Biology; 1 B3 in English.
O-Level, A-Level
Nachhilfe Profilbild
Though I do not have any formal teaching experience, I joined Student Mentoring Programme in Victoria Junior College. I enjoyed explaining questions with as many different methods as possible to my peers. In order to appreciate a concept, we need to look at it from different angles. I do believe that CONFIDENCE, CURIOSITY and A SCHOLARLY ATTITUDE are the most important factors of academic success. Teaching is a mutual communication. I would like to be your friend first and come up with a method that will suit you the most. My first-hand experience will probably offer you the freshest study tips. Let's work hard together!
VHS (Verhandlungssache),  
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