Mastodon Nachhilfe IB HL, SL, SACE Chemistry, IB SL Maths, IB SL Economic, IB SL, SACE Physics, IB SL, HL, SACE Bio Adelaide, Adelaide IB, IB Nachhilfe in Adelaide : Nachhilfe-Vermittlung




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Nachhilfe IB Adelaide

Der Ortsname ist nicht eindeutig. Meintest du: 5760 Adelaide in | 5800 Adelaide in South Australia | 5810 Adelaide in South Australia | 5839 Adelaide in South Australia | 5920 Adelaide in South Australia | 5001 Adelaide in South Australia | 5000 Adelaide in South Australia
Suche: IB in Adelaide  (1 Ergebnis)   

Nachhilfe in Adelaide

Nachhilfe IB Primary, Secondary, 1st year Uni

ID 22200
aus Adelaide
IB HL, SL, SACE Chemistry, IB SL Maths, IB SL Economic, IB SL, SACE Physics, IB SL, HL, SACE Biology, Statistics
Primary, Secondary, 1st year Uni
Reasons to elect me as your tutor: - I excel academically, my TERs mark is above 99; IB HL Chemistry 7/7, IB HL Physics 7/7, IB SL Maths 7/7, IB SL Economics 7/7, Biological Science 100 – HD, Chemistry 100- HD. - I maintained 7 in all my physics, chemistry and maths assessments during IB; and HD in all chemistry 100, and biological science 100. - I have completed my IB with success and have the knowledge of what is required to do well in the IB. - I offer plentiful resources in excellent condition such as in depth books and countless past papers. - I have very comprehensive knowledge of both IB HL Chemistry, IB HL Physics, IB SL Economics and IB SL Maths syllabi. - I offer very impressive and efficient study plans that have obviously worked extremely well for myself in IB.
VHS (Verhandlungssache),  
ab ~11 €/h  info
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