Mastodon Nachhilfe Mathematics, Phyics, University Maths 3068 Clifton Hill, BSc (Hons) Mathematics & Physics with 1st Class Honours in Mathematics PhD (Geometric PDEs - Ongoin, Clifton Hill Mathematics, Mathematics Nachhilfe in Clifton Hill : Nachhilfe-Vermittlung




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Nachhilfe Mathematics Clifton Hill

Der Ortsname ist nicht eindeutig. Meintest du: 65244 Clifton Hill in Missouri | 3068 Clifton Hill in Victoria
Suche: Mathematics in Clifton Hill  (1 Ergebnis)   

Nachhilfe in Clifton Hill

Nachhilfe Mathematics Secondary school, university level.

ID 17743
aus 3068 Clifton Hill
Mathematics, Phyics, University Maths
BSc (Hons) Mathematics & Physics with 1st Class Honours in Mathematics PhD (Geometric PDEs - Ongoing)
Secondary school, university level.
I am a PhD student finishing off my Thesis, I have over 10 years experience tutoring Mathematics all levels from year 7 to third year uni. I also tutor high school physics. I am highly professional and have a proven track record helping students understand and enjoy Mathematics. For university students looking to get ahead, I am proficient in all levels of university Mathematics. I have taught courses at both Monash and Melbourne university. I can organise sessions around your university timetable. For school level students I run preparation tutorials for those going in to years 11 & 12. These sessions will begin by going over the essentials of the previous year to make sure you are up to date. Then will have an overview of the topics studied in the coming year. Lastly I will begin teaching the course so you will start the year ahead and running. I work in the inner eastern suburbs and will come to your place. I charge $75 an hour. This is relatively high, however I am not competing on price, but quality of service. I have a wealth of experience, both in the discipline of Mathematics and in teaching the subject to students. Try me, and if you are unsatisfied with me after the first hour I will happily refund your fee, but I assure you, you won't be disappointed. I can provide references if necessary.
VHS (Verhandlungssache),  
ab ~11 €/h  info
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